Whether you’re ready for a career change or looking to move up in your career, don’t overlook the many perks of working in the insurance industry. In addition to an influx of job opportunities over the next decade, insurance industry professionals enjoy many benefits that are hard to find in other career paths.

Insurance is one of those rare industries that lets you combine your skills, talents, and interests and apply them to a wide range of careers.

#1: Job Stability and Opportunities Through 2024

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates approximately 43,500 jobs will be added in insurance sales alone from 2012 through 2024. Whether you enter the field as an insurance agent, sales manager, marketing assistant, or underwriter, you can look forward to a variety of job opportunities and career stability in the field. Demand for agents is expected to remain steady and employment is expected to grow 9 percent, faster than the average of all occupations.

#2: Top Career in Sales and Marketing

According to the most recent rankings of The 100 Best Jobs according to U.S. News & World Report, insurance sales agent jobs are #3 in Best Sales & Marketing Jobs compared to other industries and ranked #84 out of The 100 Best Jobs based on salary, the job market, future growth prospects, stress, and work-life balance.

#3 Always A Job for Your Skill-Set

The insurance industry has vast career options for different skill sets. If you have a background in finance, you could be an ideal candidate for a risk management or underwriting position. Larger agencies are hiring for marketing, human resources, and administration roles.

#4 Self-Employment Opportunities

U.S. News & World Report also points out that while almost half of insurance sales agents employed around the country work for an insurance agency or brokerage firm, nearly 20 percent are self-employed. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and thrive on business-building activities, you may be able to enjoy a successful career as an independent insurance agent.

Working for yourself also means you will work on your own schedule and can develop your own system for attracting and developing leads.

It’s not your grandfather’s world any more of relentless sales representatives and difficult claims adjusters. The world of insurance is much more vast (and exciting!) and there are hundreds of jobs that are vital to operations.