About Us

About Career Search, Inc.

We do Executive Searches and we have an on-line, custom-built platform where candidates can register and companies can post their positions.

We specifically designed this platform to do professional “career matchmaking”. It is a reflection of what we do every day in regards to executive searches just on an on-line platform. Both the candidates and clients will be guided through the entire process to find the right match.

We are unique. We pride ourselves and strive to be the best in our industry. We are NOT a typical “job site”. We specialize in all aspects of the Insurance and Finance Industry. We are professional “ career matchmakers”!

Our goal and mission is to help as many people as we can find their career path and companies to find the right people to build their operations. So we came up with a solution that will be mutually beneficial to our clients and candidates. Whether you are just starting in the industry and are looking for an internship program, veteran program, part-time, full-time, consulting opportunities or looking to transfer your skillset into a new career path, we can help!

Our philosophy is simple. It is just like dating and all about chemistry. Candidates need to find the right environment that they thrive in and vice versa for the companies. Companies need to find the right talent to be successful and achieve their objectives. It should be a match all the way around. The work environment sets the tone for your life and you need to be happy with what you are doing. So don’t just look for a job; find a career where you can thrive, be happy and successful.

We value our relationships and the personal nature of the business. There will always be a professional that you can call to help you through the process.

The candidates will be notified directly on a confidential basis if they are a match and then they can apply directly. There is never a fee to the candidate.

Both Parties must fully understand and comprehend all information provided and are free to make their own decisions.

Since we do Executive Searches and permanent placements, we encourage all candidates to apply and also reach out if you are looking for permanent opportunities, so we can go through your background thoroughly.

Within the insurance and finance industry there are so many opportunities and career paths that you can take.

We are looking forward to helping companies and candidates achieve their career goals and aspirations.